Tri-State Mite Hockey League

All Tri-State League games will be conducted according to the USA rule book.

1. Official TSMHL rosters and Insurance forms must be submitted to the league office by December 15th.

2. A roster will consist of a maximum of 20 players

3. A minimum of six (6) players may be dressed for a game in an emergency only.

4. All protests must be made to the League Commissioner within 24 hours by phone and 48 hours in writing, or before the next game.  Note: Judgment calls of officials are not grounds for protest.

5. Player eligibility dates for team rosters will be in accordance with USA Hockey guidelines.

6. No player may appear on more than one roster within the league.  A player from a team below may be carried as an alternate.  Each alternate may play only six (4) games for the team above.  If a player participates in an seventh (5th) game, he or she will not be allowed to play for the team below.  Each time an alternate player plays he or she must sign the score sheet prior to the start of the game otherwise the game will result in a forfeit.

7. In case of inclement weather teams should call the rink they are scheduled to play in.  If the rink is open, the game should be played.  You may also check online for any weather related cancellations.

8. Postponement forms can be accessed on the website using either coaches or manager’s username and password. These passwords are specific to your program and have been assigned and issued to your program at the beginning of the season. These forms must be filled out within seven (7) days of any  cancelled or postponed game. Both the home and visitor coaches are required to submit these forms. Forfeits and credits will be awarded only if these forms are received prior to the aforementioned  deadline. Note: The canceling team will be charged 2 game fees IF the game is NOT rescheduled.

9. (a) Opponents requesting postponement of scheduled games must make arrangements with opponent and submit a league score sheet within 30 days of the originally scheduled game date (except for game originally scheduled after April 2nd-see below). (b) All game sheets for postponements must be received on or before the last scheduled regular season game in that respective division.

— 9.1. Approved Officials must officiate and sign the game sheet.  The above is required in order for any makeup game to count toward league standings.  Any makeup games score sheet received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted and a forfeit will be awarded.  The League is not responsible for any costs incurred as a result of a postponed and rescheduled game, unless such a postponement is initiated by the league.

10. Fighting or match penalties may result in expulsion from the league.

11. Teams requesting postponement with other teams due to inclement weather or otherwise are responsible for the full cost of the regularly scheduled game, unless the TSMHL has canceled the game.

12. Players, including alternates, must wear the same rostered jersey number throughout the season.

13. Each team’s coach is responsible for the actions of his/her players on and off the ice.  The condition of league facilities are maintained for the comfort and convenience of all league members, abuse of these facilities will be dealt with severely by the league commissioner.  Please make sure to have an adult in the locker room with the players at all times.  If your locker room is dirty or damaged report it to the league commissioner and include a brief note in the comments section of the official game sheet.  (There must be at least one (1) coach in the locker room while there are players present in the locker room.)

14. All game sheets must be on a TSMHL form with goalies indicated.  The commissioner reserves the right to check signatures and declare a forfeit, if any discrepancies exist.

15. No coach will be allowed on the ice to aid an injured player, unless the referee requests help from the bench personnel.

16. Please instruct parents to stay off the ice. Non compliance will result in suspension of that parent’s child from the league.

17. Any and all complaints, written or otherwise, by directors, coaches or parents will not be accepted by the league, unless the board of directors of their program has approved them.

18. This game is a sport, and the rules of fair play and sportsmanship are mandatory in the Tri-State Mite League.  We are guiding and teaching the young leaders of tomorrow.  They will emulate our actions.

19. Any coach, who forgets he or she is teaching young children and behaves in a less than proper manner during, before or after the game, will receive a suspension from the league.

20. Any parent acting in the same manner will cause their child to be suspended.

21. Suspended coaches or players will not be allowed to participate in league competition for a period of time as determined by  The League Commissioner

22. Any coach, manager or trainer ejected from a game will automatically receive a one game suspension.  Repeat offenders can be suspended permanently from the

23. Running game clock situations: 1) Fifteen (15) or more assessed penalties in a game.  Includes misconducts and game misconducts. 2) Six (6) or more goal margin occurs between teams at any time during the game.  If this margin drops back below six goals, stop time play will resume.

24. Any player or coach that receives four (4) penalties in a game, including misconduct penalties, will be suspended for the remainder of the current game and the next scheduled league game.

25. Teams should be ready to play 5 minutes prior to the scheduled game time.  A warm-up period of three minutes shall be allowed prior to the start of each game.  Teams not prepared to play after the warm-up period will be assessed a minor penalty for delay of game.

26. Any player assessed a game misconduct penalty while playing a game in a level other than the one they are rostered on in the TSMHL, shall be required to serve the game misconduct in their next scheduled TSMHL.

27. Penalty Times: Minor (1:30) Major (4:00) Misconduct (8:00)

28. Playoff Eligibility - All Players must compete in at least 60% of the games played with the team of record (roster) in order to be eligible to participate in playoffs;

29. Standings Tie Breaker -
 Head to Head results against teams tied
 Goals Differential Head to Head between teams tied
 Win % in Divisional Games
 Goals Differential in all games